Monday, 27 March 2017


 Many believed that the church had come to an end and would never again figure significantly in world affairs.  For many years this picture remained unchanged, but in 1929, Cardinal Gasparri and Benito Mussolini signed the concordat which restored temporal powers to the papacy.  Once again the Vatican began to function as she had before.
     No one can question that since that time the papacy has regained much of the prestige lost two centuries ago.  In the 1950’s, when Harry Truman attempted to appoint an official ambassador to the Vatican, there arose such a protest that it was not possible for him to follow through.  But thirty years later, when President Reagan tried to accomplish the same thing, he met with little opposition.

     Another remarkable point is that this Beast had the feet of a bear.  The bear in Daniel 7:5 represents the empire of the Medes and Persians, and they had a method of government peculiarly their own.  When the king of the Medes and Persians spoke law, he was considered to be infallible.  Once given, it was not possible to change the law (see Daniel 6:8,12,15.)  This finds its counterpart in the doctrine of the infallibility of the pope when he speaks ex-cathedra, and defines points of law or doctrine.
     Also, on the head of the Beast was the name of blasphemy.  The Biblical concept of blasphemy is found in Mark 2.  The rulers of the Jewish people accused Jesus of blasphemy for presuming to forgive sins, a prerogative belonging to God alone (see verses 5-7).  This authority the Catholic Church also claims to have.

     The final point to note, is that the prophecy declares that this Beast power would make war with the saints of God.  No one with any knowledge of history can deny that this description, without question, fits the Roman Catholic church.  It is conservatively estimated that the Church of Rome caused over fifty million people to be put to death throughout it’s 1260 year reign.  Why were these people murdered?  Because they followed Bible truth and their conscience--even when it differed with the established teaching and authority of the Church.  Thus it is clear that the Beast of Revelation 13:1-10 and the Little Horn of Daniel 7, unmistakably refers to the Roman Catholic church!
     While it is true that religious tolerance is more widespread today than in the past, Bible prophecy points to the fact that this will not always be the case.  This deadly would was to be completely healed, and soon the Catholic church will re-gain her lost power.  Then, along with those Protestant churches which are united with and who image her, they will revive the persecutions of the past against those who refuse to accept and abide under their authority in religious belief and practice--choosing instead to follow Bible truth and their conscience (see Revelation 13:15-17).
     We understand that God did not give these Biblical prophecies as an indictment against individuals, but rather against apostate religious systems.  God has sent His people these prophetic warnings so that they might not innocently become involved in this apostasy of Rome or in any of the churches of apostate Protestantism which are united with her.
     In Revelation 18, God refers to these same apostate systems of religion as Babylon.  In these last days we find that, just as God called Lot out of wicked Sodom before its destruction, so He sends a call to His people today to “Come out of her, my people”: to separate from all these religious systems of apostasy, “that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues” Revelation 18:4.

     God clearly warns His people not to be united with apostate churches or with unbelievers, but to remain separate from them all.  If they should continue to remain members in or united with these, they will not be clean in God’s sight, He will not consider them as His sons and daughters, and they will lose eternal life (see 2 Corin 6:14-18; Isa 52:11; Micah 2:10).
     It is because of God’s great love for those who are still connected with these religious systems of apostasy; the many who sincerely love Him with all of their heart, that He warns them to escape from the real danger they are in.  In loving kindness and tender mercy God calls His people out of all the churches, so that they might avoid being destroyed along with Babylon, and instead become connected with Christ and His kingdom of righteousness, and thus to gain everlasting life.
     "Flee out of the midst of Babylon, and deliver every man his soul: be not cut off in her iniquity...My people, go ye out of the midst of her, and deliver ye every man his soul from the fierce anger of the Lord." Jeremiah 51:6, 45.

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