Monday, 3 July 2017



Babylon today would represent a church which has rejected God and Bible truth, and has chosen to unite herself with Satan - committing harlotry, but she still professes to be following God.  This fallen harlot church would be recognized by the kind of fruits or actions she produces (Matthew 7:15-20).
The following are some descriptions and delineations of the characteristics of Babylon derived from the Bible
(See if your church exhibits any of these characteristics, and be sure to look at the possible spiritual meaning to the characteristic.
NOTE: Not every characteristic needs to be seen before your church can become Babylon)

1.   Abundant in treasures--Jeremiah 51:13.
2.   All connected with her are made rich (not riches of heaven)--Revelation 18:19.
3.   Are liars--Jeremiah 50:36.
4.   Are mad (lost their reason) upon their idols--Jeremiah 50:38.
5.   Beasts inhabit--Isaiah 13:21-22.
6.   Believes that God does not dwell with humanity (Christ's nature before fall)--Daniel 2:11.
7.   Believes they are gods--Isaiah 47:8, 10.
8.   Besieges God's professed church until it falls captive--2 Kings 24:10-12, 25:1-4; Jeremiah 39:1-2.
9.   Breaks bones of God's people--Jeremiah 50:17.
10.  Breaks down walls of God's professed church--2 Kings 25:9; 2 Chronicles 36:19; Ezra 5:12;               Jeremiah 39:8.
11.  Builds city and tower whose top reaches unto heaven--Genesis 11:4.
12.  Builds great image of man for all to worship--Daniel 3:1-7.
13.  Burns with fire God's professed church--2 Kings 25:9; 2 Chronicles 36:19; Jeremiah 21:10, 38:23,        39:8.
14.  Camps against God's professed church until is succumbs--Jeremiah 52:4-7.
15.  Carries away treasures (precious truths) out of God's once faithful church--2 Kings 24:13; 2 Chron         36:7, 10, 18.
16.  Carries away all the mighty men--2 Kings 24:14.
17.  Casts out God's people--Jeremiah 51:34.
18.  Causes God's people to be slain--Jeremiah 51:49.
19.  Celebration is in her midst--Jeremiah 51:39.
20.  Commands all to worship image of man at sound of music--Daniel 3:1-7.
21.       21    Completely captivates majority of members until only a remnant remain--2 Kings 25:11-12, 22;             2 Chronicles 36:20;  Ezra 5:12; Jeremiah 39:9-10, 40:11.
22.  Completely removes all precious vessels which were once held by God's church--2 Kings 25:13-           17.
23.  Connected with hell--Isaiah 14:9.
24.  Connected with Mysteries of spiritualism--Revelation 17:5.
25.  Connected with scarlet-colored beast (secret societies)--Revelation 17:3.
26.  Connected with ships (other churches)--Revelation 18:17.
27.  Connected with spiritualism--Ezekiel 21:21.
28.  Corrupts earth with fornication--Revelation 19:2.
29.  Crushes God's people--Jeremiah 51:34.
30.  Cuts down people as trees--Isaiah 14:8.
31.  Cuts in pieces precious vessels of God's once faithful church--2 Kings 24:13, 25:13; 2 Chronicles           36:19.
32.  Deals in slaves--Revelation 18:13.
33.  Deals in souls of men--Revelation 18:13.
34.  Deceives by sorceries--Revelation 18:23.
35.  Defiles sacred vessels and precious things of God's design--Daniel 5:2-4.
36.  Destroys all the earth--Jeremiah 51:25.
37.  Destroys God's heritage--Jeremiah 50:11.
38.  Devours God's people--Jeremiah 51:34.
39.  Does evil among God's people--Jeremiah 51:24.
40.  Does not consider her possible destruction (does not lay these things to heart)--Isaiah 47:7.
41.  Does not glorify God--Daniel 5:23.
42.  Does not remember warnings given about her destruction--Isaiah 47:7.
43.  Does not want to fight outwardly--Jeremiah 51:30.
44.  Does violence to God's people--Jeremiah 51:35.
45.  Does what she wants to, yet believes she will see no sorrow (no punishment or judgment for her            actions)-- Revelation 18:7.
46.  Drunken with the blood of God's saints--Revelation 17:6.
47.  Dwells carelessly--Isaiah 47:8.
48.  Dwells upon many waters--Jeremiah 51:13.
49.  Employs reapers to harvest fields (sown with seeds of falsehood)--Jeremiah 50:16.
50.  Employs sowers (to spread seeds of falsehood)--Jeremiah 50:16.
51.  Fears not the Lord--2 Kings 17:25.
52.  Full of astonishment--Jeremiah 25:10.
53.  Full of falsehoods--Jeremiah 51:17.
54.  Full of pomp--Isaiah 14:11.
55.  Full of unclean birds--Jeremiah 50:39.
56.  Full of wild beasts--Jeremiah 50:39.
57.  Full of vanity--Jeremiah 51:18.
58.  Given to pleasure--Isaiah 47:8.
59.  Glorifies herself--Revelation 18:7.
60.  Great majority of wise men are liars and corrupt--Daniel 2:2, 9.
61.  Grows fat (on sin)--Jeremiah 50:11.
62.  Has broad walls--Jeremiah 51:58.
63.  Has daughters--Jeremiah 50:42.
64.  Has high gates--Jeremiah 51:58.
65.  Has trial (inquisition) to determine crimes against her decrees--Daniel 3:13-15.
66.  Heart is lifted up--Daniel 5:20.
67.  Her captains are drunk and asleep--Jeremiah 51:57.
68.  Her cities (churches) are a dry land (no refreshing of the latter rain)--Jeremiah 51:43.
69.  Her cities (churches) are a wilderness--Jeremiah 51:43.
70.  Her cities (churches) are desolate (no Saviour)--Jeremiah 51:43.
71.  Her cry (glory) is found in ships--Isaiah 43:14.
72.  Her men are brutish in their own knowledge--Jeremiah 51:17.
73.  Her mighty men are drunk and asleep--Jeremiah 51:57.
74.  Her princes are drunk and asleep--Jeremiah 51:57.
75.  Her rulers are drunk and asleep--Jeremiah 51:57.
76.  Her waves (ministers--those raised up above the level of the sea or people) do roar--Jeremiah                  51:55.
77.  Her wise men are drunk and asleep--Jeremiah 51:57.
78.  Highest leader becomes angry when his will is disregarded for God's will--Daniel 3:19.
79.  Highest leader makes hasty decisions--Daniel 2:15.
80.  Holds God's people captive--Jeremiah 50:33.
81.  Is clothed in gorgeous apparel (but not the robe of Christ's righteousness)--Revelation 17:4, 18:16.
82.  Is covetous--Jeremiah 51:13.
83.  Is desolate--Jeremiah 25:10; Revelation 17:6.
84.  Is filled with delicacies--Jeremiah 51:34.
85.  Is full of abominations--Revelation 17:4.
86.  Is full of filthiness--Revelation 17:4.
87.  Is full of mingled-people (mixed-multitude)--Jeremiah 50:37.
88.  Is great and mighty in eyes of world--Revelation 17:18, 18:10, 16.
89.  Is intimately connected with merchants--Isaiah 47:15; Revelation 18:3.
90.  Is lustful--Revelation 18:14.
91.  Is naked--Revelation 17:16; Isaiah 47:3.
92.  Is perverted--Isaiah 47:10.
93.  Is proud against the Lord--Jeremiah 50:29, 31-32.
94.  Keeps God's people captive as prisoners--Isaiah 14:17.
95.  Language was confounded (confused)--Genesis 11:7-9.
96.  Lifts up self against the Lord--Daniel 5:23.
97.  Lives deliciously--Revelation 18:7
98.  Lucifer is her king--Isaiah 14:4, 12.
99.  Made up of many nations (churches) flowing (uniting) into one--Jeremiah 51:44.
100. Makes all nations (churches) commit fornication with her--Revelation 14:8, 18:3.
101. Makes all nations (churches) drink of her wine (false doctrines)--Revelation 14:8, 18:3
102. Makes all the earth drunken--Jeremiah 51:7; Revelation 17:2.
103. Makes all the earth mad (without reason)--Jeremiah 51:7.
104. Makes God's people empty--Jeremiah 51:34.
105. Makes inhabitants of earth commit fornication with her--Revelation 17:2.
106. Mind hardened by pride--Daniel 5:20.
107. Mounts up to heaven--Jeremiah 51:53.
108. Not humble of heart, even though aware of God's will--Daniel 5:22.
109. Once had (heavenly) craftsmen in her, but no more--Revelation 18:22.
110. Once had (heavenly) music in her, but no more--Revelation 18:22.
111. Once had the light of a candle in her, but no more (no more light of God's truths--candlestick                   removed)--Jeremiah  25:10; Revelation 18:23.
112. Once had the sound of a millstone in her (grinding out seed or hammering out the truth), but no              more--Jeremiah  25:10; Revelation 18:22.
113. Once had the voice of the bride in her (was once the true church), but no more--Jeremiah 25:10;             Revelation 18:23.
114. Once had the voice of the Bridegroom (Christ) in her, but no more--Jeremiah 25:10; Revelation             18:23.
115. Once had the voice of gladness (gospel of Christ) within, but no more--Jeremiah 25:10.
116. Once had the voice of mirth within, but no more--Jeremiah 25:10.
117. Once was clean and pure, but now is a cage (closed structure) of every unclean and hateful bird--            Revelation 18:2.
118. Once was the habitation of God's angels, but now is the habitation of devils--Revelation 18:2.
119. Once was the hold of the Holy Spirit, but now is the hold of every foul spirit--Revelation 18:2.
120. Oppresses--Isaiah 14:4; Jeremiah 50:16, 33.
121. Persecutes by fire all who do not bow and worship image of man--Daniel 3:6.
122. Places relatives in high positions of leadership (nepotism)--2 Kings 24:17.
123. Practices abundant enchantments--Isaiah 47:8, 12.
124. Practices divination--Ezekiel 21:21.
125. Practices sorcery--Isaiah 47:9, 12.
126. Produces evildoers--Isaiah 14:20.
127. Produces other harlots--Revelation 17:5.
128. Puts on pretense of piety--Isaiah 47:1.
129. Refuses to be healed of sin--Jeremiah 51:9.
130. Refuses to let go of God's people--Jeremiah 50:33.
131. Reigns over others--Revelation 17:18.
132. Reigns without a king (being a widow, or divorced by Husband)--Revelation 18:7.
133. Replaces God's people with pagan believers--2 Kings 17:24.
134. Sins have reached unto heaven (corporate probation closed)--Revelation 18:5.
135. Sits on seven hills--Revelation 17:9.
136. Sits upon many waters--Revelation 17:1, 15.
137. Shows no mercy--Isaiah 47:6.
138. Shows no respect for age--Isaiah 47:6.
139. Sleeps a perpetual sleep--Jeremiah 51:39.
140. Smites--Isaiah 14:6.
141. Speaks with a great voice--Jeremiah 51:55.
142. Strives against the Lord--Jeremiah 50:24.
143. Swallows up God's people--Jeremiah 51:34.
144. Takes away precious things belonging to God's people--Isaiah 39:6.
145. Teaches immortality of the soul (a lady for ever)--Isaiah 47:7.
146. Teaches that she will never be destroyed (a lady or church for ever)--Isaiah 47:7.
147. The praise of the whole earth--Jeremiah 51:41.
148. Tries to be worshiped as God--Isaiah 14:14.
149. Tries to hide her nakedness--Isaiah 47:3.
150. Tries to hide her shame--Isaiah 47:3.
151. Tries to make themselves a name--Genesis 11:4.
152. Tries to prevent separation (lest we be scattered)--Genesis 11:4.
153. Tries to serve God and false gods at same time--2 Kings 17:32-33.
154. Tries to unite all into one--Genesis 11:4.
155. Trusts in wickedness--Isaiah 47:10.
156. Unites God's precious vessels (truths) with corrupt vessels (false doctrines)--Ezra 5:14.
157. Uses intimidation to bring about submission of will to worship image of man--Daniel 3:13-15.
158. Uses slime as mortar for the walls of Babylon--Genesis 11:3.
159. Waters are dried up--Jeremiah 50:38.
160. Worships false gods--Isaiah 21:9.

161. Worships idols--Jeremiah 50:2.


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