AMAZING DISCOVERIES-Quick Facts. - Mwl Ndiku

Friday, 17 March 2017


Revelation 1:3
 Blessed [is] he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time [is] at hand.

1.                  False Religions & False Prophets (Spirit of Prophecy- The Signs of the Times July 18, 1892) “By Their Fruits Ye shall Know Them”  Matthew 24:11, Mark 13:22, 1 John 4:1
a.      The Church of Satan founded by Antony Lavey in 1966
b.      Fatai Balogun known as T.B. Joshua of the Synagogue of All Nations.
·         Read an article Strange, Unbiblical Practices by Joshua by Bill Randles
ü  He says he is born with the gift of healing (1 Cor 12-14)
ü  Transubstantiation (blessing of certain elements so that they become the body & blood of Christ like @ Holy Communion –Mgonero. Joshua prays for water and says it becomes the blood of Christ.
ü  False separation of sheep and goats where people are pushed, pulled and shoved forward to participate in the so called blood of Jesus.
ü  Undignified practices-people being humiliated ie. Vomiting troubles away.
ü  Remote control called mesmerism taken after Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815) also called animal magnetism.
ü  Calling fire from heaven-woman clutching private parts in agony
2.                  Counterfeit Bibles
a.      New International Version published by Zondervan. This is based on the work of two heretics Brook Foss Westcott (1825-1903) & Fenton John Antony Hort (1828-1892) famously known as Westcott & Hort. Westcott & Hort were homosexuals hence the word sodomite is not found.
b.      NIV’s Dr. Virginia Mollenkott Jabs once said “My lesbianism has always been a part of me.” (Episcopal Witness, June, 1991) Dr. Mollenkott Jabs is also the author of a pro-homosexual book entitled “Is the Homosexual My Neighbor?”
·         Hell is omitted 50% in the NT
·         Hell is omitted 100% in the OT
·         Heaven is greatly reduced (Mark 11:26 not there in Chichewa Bible, Mat 5:48)
·         Missing- Mat 17:21, Mat 18:11, Mat 23:14, Mark 7:10, Mark 9:44, Mark 9:46, Mark 11:28, Mark 15:28, Luke 17:36, Luke 23:17, John 5:4, Acts 8:37, Acts 15:34, Acts 24:7, Acts 28:29, Romans 16:24, 1 John 5:7
3.                  Pole shift Mt 24:7 – changing the position of the North & South Pole. North Pole was initially in the middle of the Pacific with Alaska close to the Equator. This will result in a worldwide catastrophe.
a.      Glaciers melting @ an alarming rate resulting in Global Warming and Tsunami. Global Warming, Massive Tsunamis sometimes as high as 1 -3 miles Winter of 2005 in Japan , Storms, Floods and Droughts
b.      Earthquakes-
ü  Sichuan Western China
·         2003, 70 earthquakes
·         2008, 25 significant earthquakes were registered from Jan-May
·         380 significant earthquakes have been recorded so far.
c.       Massive extinction of species ie living things. World population might fall by 90%.
       4.        Total Annihilation – reduce World Population by 95%
a.      War Mat 24:6-
ü  Afghanistan, Iraq (telephone conversation btwn Aaron Russo former politician and Nicholas Rockefeller 11 months before Sept 11, Iran, North Korea,
ü  (Rev 9:16) China becoming more powerful having 200,000,000 soldiers. China in a 5 year treaty or military cooperation with Russia in which Russia is required to send military tech to China to fight against Germany & USA. Germany is to win the war and become a superpower. China is one of the permanent members of the UN with the right to veto.  Other members are Russia, France, UK and USA (The UN & the Occult agenda from Amazing Discovery Guides Series by Prof. W. Veith)
ü  Other UN Depts:
·         Food and Agriculture Organization FAO specialized in Agriculture
·         United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization specialized in world peace through education, culture, communication, natural science and social human sciences.
·         World Health Organization directing and coordinating authority on world health work. Disseminating information of diseases eg Influenza, Small pox etc
·         United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNHCR specialized in protecting refugees.
·         United Nations Industrial Development Organization UNIDO specialized in providing aid and technical assistance to industries in developing countries.
·         United Nations Children’s Fund UNICEF devoted towards the welfare of children.
b.      Hunger or famine Mat 24:7
ü  Around 5,000,000 people starve to death each year translating to 30,723 a day.
ü  26,000 children die daily of starvation
c.       Pandemics and new diseases Mat 24:7(that require Vaccines)
ü  Swine Flu/ Influenza (1918) – Caused by H1N1 virus. There is overwhelming evidence that the H1N1 virus was manufactured in a lab. 50,000,000 people died, Solution: Vaccination. However more people who died were those who received the shots. Read Dr. Eleanor McBean’s Swine Flu Expose Chapter 2
d.      Mass Quarantine Program (Concentration camps) to contain Swine Flu patients
ü  Beachgrove Indiana USA guarded with maximum security
ü  Georgia there is a monument on which are the words “Keep humanity under 500,000,000.”
5.             Technology (Surveillance) – Centralized economy where people will be monitored &   
a.      RFID (Radio Frequency Implanted Device)- a small chip planted on the forehead & forearm.
b.      Federal ID with a back that can be scanned (by May 2008) later on the card will be equipped with a Veri Chip RFID model
c.       RFID chip on new American Passports
d.      Veri chip implanted in infants – no bigger than a grain of rice manufactured by IBM

e.      Bank Card eg VISA cards

Be blessed.